What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Integrated Chip Inductors? What Are the Application Areas of Integrated Chip Inductors

 Integral molding chip inductor overview

The one- piece chip inductor is a shielded inductor. The one- piece chip inductor is substantially composed of two corridor the glamorous core and the line group. Its product is to bed the enameled line into the glamorous core greasepaint and use the machine to die- cast it. The legs are on the face of the inductor.
SMD molding Power Inductor -SGT

The product process of one- piece chip inductors
The integrated chip inductor has a more stable structure, lower impedance and better seismic performance. At the same time, because of its structure, it can largely avoid noise generation and reduce electromagnetic hindrance.

What are the characteristics of integrated chip inductors?

1. Small size and thin structure, suitable for face mount completely automated product, high product effectiveness;

2. Strong solderability and high temperature resistance;

3. Made of essence greasepaint die- casting, low loss, low impedance, supereminent legs, small parasitic capacitance;

4. The material of the glamorous core is veritably particular, the workmanship is veritably fine, and the working frequence covers a wide range.

Disadvantages of integrated chip inductors
Similar as complex workmanship, high product technology conditions, high- end product outfit, and fairly high product costs.

Operation fields of integrated chip inductors
There are numerous products in our diurnal life that need to use transformers for operation, similar as DC- DC transformers used in our mobile phones, digital cameras, audio and videotape media players and other products. The function of the DC- DC motor is that the DC- DC motor can perform high- frequence switching conduct through a controllable switch( MOSFET,etc.), and store the input electrical energy in the inductor. When the switch is turned off, the electrical energy is released to the cargo. give energy. still, inductive factors are used in DC- DC transformers — one- piece chip inductors. Do you know which scripts should one- piece chip inductors be used in addition to DC- DC transformers?

The function of the integrated chip inductor on the DC motor is substantially to sludge, and the current of the integrated chip inductor is still fairly large. Chip inductors are also used in tablet computers and tablet computers. In addition, integrated chip inductors are also used in dishes and power inventories.

In addition, in the field of DC/ DC transformers of voltage regulation modules integrated chip inductors are frequently used in the field of voltage regulation and DC/ DC transformers, which can ameliorate product performance, save circuit board space and reduce energy consumption.

In the field of movable mobile bias similar as mobile phones integrated chip inductors are suitable for high- temperature marketable products, including the rearmost generation of mobile bias, tablet computers, desktop computers, waiters, computer plates cards, movable game consoles, auto navigation, and high-current power inventories.

operation of multiple intertwined chip inductors on high- speed PC plates cards integrated chip inductors are frequently extensively used in high- speed PC plates cards CGA modules, discriminational mode sludge inductors, communication networks, automotive electronics and other fields

The integrated chip inductor can be used singly when it's used, it'll not affect its performance characteristics, and it doesn't need to be used in confluence with other products.



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