How to clean the kn95 mask
KN95 Masks manufacturer KN95 masks are disposable masks and can not be gutted and used constantly. Repeated use will reduce their defensive effect. The use time limit of kn95 masks is about 6 hours, and new masks need to be replaced incontinently after 6 hours. The main function of kn95 masks is to cover the mortal body from the intrusion of the new coronavirus attached to the driblets, and also to cover the dust in the air. https// China KN95 mask wholesaler KN95 masks are a Chinese volition to N95 masks, and the US Centers for Disease Control said that KN95 masks are as effective as N95s and are one of the suitable druthers . According to 3M, the world's largest mask maker, KN95s are original to N95 masks and can be anticipated to serve veritably also. Although the factual effect of the two is the same, the KN95 is a disposable mask and can not be washed. Repeated cleaning and use...