A single box is all a cajon drum is madeof.Performances are extremely portable, in a drum bag, can be takenanywhere.You must be very strange to this foreign instrument, do not worry, this kind of barrel is veritably easy to play, you just need to master a many percussion ways and sound, meter knowledge, and a little creativity Next, GECKO Cajon will show you some beats about the hand drum cajon Bass stroke This percussion produces the smallest note and mimics the sound of the bottomdrum.Sit up straight, fritters together, triumphs relaxed, flat, on the head of thedrum.Tilt your reverse forward slightly until you can reach the center of the frontal barrel. Be sure to hit freely on the whole barrel head, not just a part ofit.After beating the barrel formerly, move snappily about 2-3 cm and also return to your startingposition.The back hand doesn't crack on the head of the barrel, and a presto moving hand produces the smallest bass without affecting the resonance of the barrel...